April 10, 2011

Hexapod Robot Manages to Make Innocent Little Waves Looks Six Times More Creepy

New for Spring! Creepy pseudo-arachnid robots—great for going into even creepier, crawlier places so you don't have to! Also, check out that cute little wave it does in the video! Aww.

I say "pseudo" of course because this beastie boasts but six legs. As all arachnologists worth their salt know, spiders have eight wonderful legs, of which all eight are used in tandem to crawl into your mouth while you sleep.

But this big guy won't do that. Instead, he'll use his six legs and realistic spider walking motion to explore treacherous terrain or school desktops. For now this is aimed at hobbyist and educational markets, but it's only a matter of time before DARPA or some other agency weaponizes this for the inevitable Moon Wars of 2043. Won't those be fun.

The sound of this thing "navigating a table" is pretty creepy as well, but that could just be the irrational fear of spiders that my dad's DNA graciously passed down through a generation.


  1. that things looks gnarly, also looks like it costed a lot to make.

  2. I want to take one of these for a walk at the park.

  3. You're right. It looks really creepy.

  4. Creepy, but I still want one. Just to scare the cat.

  5. I was going to make one of these. Turns out its a lot of more difficult than it looks. I couldn't find the correct Servo motors and such.

  6. I had a nightmare that started liek this once. Also totally makes me think of the replicators from Stargate SG-1. We're fucked...

  7. The military will want a go with this.

  8. Put some fake skin over it and it could look quite cute~

  9. Gosh that is rather creepy. However it's pretty awesome and I'd love one to do god knows what with. Stick a livestream webcam on it and controll it over the internet maybe... Now that would be cool.

  10. Not really worth the money imo not gonna lie, good technology for a starter though...

  11. I have a theory that you can make anything more creepy by adding another pair of legs.

    Can you imagine Freedy Crueger with 4 legs?

  12. I want that!

    So freaking cool :)

    Keep up the great work, come check out moby, he got a sweet new LED light set up.

  13. Kind of reminds me of the snake and cockroach robots that people are building.
